
Claire’s Birth Story

Claire’s Birth Story

“ . . . I knew this meant go time since my first labor went the same way. I stood up to go back to the tub and it was like baby instantly dropped and I had the ring of fire. It was intense but my body instinctually knew to start panting and apply counter pressure on my perineum. My midwives reminded me to listen to my body and push when it felt right. I honestly can’t say that I did actually push, it was more of my body taking over and I just didn’t fight it. Before I knew it our baby’s head was born and that was so incredible! I felt another contraction and again my body did what it’s made to do and the rest of baby was born! “

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Sculpture and floral details - Frederik Meijer Gardens
Personal, flowers, photography, garden Randi Armstrong Personal, flowers, photography, garden Randi Armstrong

Sculpture and floral details - Frederik Meijer Gardens

Joel and I both grew up in Grand Rapids, loving the same places but in different ways and with different people until we met in 2019. Meijer Gardens is definitely one of those places that holds so many cherished memories for both of us separately, and it’s such a treat to be building sweet layers on top of those memories together. We recently stopped by on a Tuesday night to see what we could see, and boy oh boy was it good.

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2020 Highlight Reel – Randi Armstrong Photography
Randi Armstrong Randi Armstrong

2020 Highlight Reel – Randi Armstrong Photography

Whew, 2020 has been a wild ride, full of devastation and heartache for so many, and degrees of isolation for all of us. However, in the midst of this year we also fought to find things to celebrate too. I witnessed a lot of beauty in 2020 and I would love to share my highlight reel with you all here. With a few bonus personal images at the bottom because they are just too good not to share!

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Professional Stories: Show or Tell
Randi Armstrong Randi Armstrong

Professional Stories: Show or Tell

In a world where so many of us have side hustles and passions beyond our nine to fives, there is a need for small business owners to learn the art of self marketing. If you’re anything like me, the idea of having to promote yourself is enough to induce hives! While I’m learning right alongside of you by Googling SEO data points or web page speed optimization, what I do know is that in addition to our language choices, clear and evocative photographs are essential for telling the story of your business.

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