2020 Highlight Reel – Randi Armstrong Photography

Whew, 2020 has been a wild ride, full of devastation and heartache for so many, and degrees of isolation for all of us. However, in the midst of this year we also fought to find things to celebrate too. I witnessed a lot of beauty in 2020 and I would love to share my highlight reel with you all here. With a few bonus personal images at the bottom because they are just too good not to share!

Here we go!

One of my first photoshoots this year was for my dear friends Jenn & Casey and their adorable growing family. Their newest son was born right before we all went into lockdown, making his arrival and first few months a very memorable one. I’m so grateful I was able to join them in their home for this cozy newborn portrait session with his two older brothers before going into sheltering in place! It’s amazing how much he changed during the months we were apart, but having these early moments to treasure was so valuable while missing him.

Randi Armstrong Photography at home newborn session family portrait 2020
Randi Armstrong Photography Grand Rapids, newborn at home session 2020

That brother snuggle pile gets me every time!

Next up is this fun and colorful professional headshot session with Kat. Kat reached out to me because she was in need of updated professional photos to represent her work in the non-profit sector. She is involved with the work at Sacred Beginnings and what they do there to help support women who are victims of trafficking & sexual exploitation is so important. I jumped at the opportunity to capture a few cheery and bright portraits for her. I’m excited to see all of the positive impact Kat brings to the city of Grand Rapids and beyond!

Randi Armstrong Photography 2020 Kat headshot professional portrait
Randi Armstrong Photography 2020 profession story headshot 2020
Randi Armstrong Photography Kat professional headshots 2020

Plus any time I can take advantage of a bright yellow wall, I am in!

Now to get sappy for a moment, by far the largest personal highlight in my year was falling in love with and marrying my husband, Joel. We dove deep into getting to know each other while the rest of the world was shutting down, it was a true pandemic romance. He has been a constant source of inspiration and support, and the main reason I am taking the leap back into full time photography. As a writer, he understands my drive to create beauty through photography and I’m so grateful that he gets it and gets me. On the flip side I’ve really enjoyed getting to support his writing and creative endeavors too! He is currently working on an array of short stories and once we decided he needed some updated headshots and professional portraits to complement his brand new website, I was very happy to get to stare at his face a little extra ;) See more from our at home professional storytelling session.

Randi Armstrong Photography professional headshot portrait author business photograph 2020 Joel Armstrong
Randi Armstrong Photography in home session professional photography 2020 Grand Rapids
Randi Armstrong Photography at home professional portrait session author Joel Armstrong

I loved getting to showcase our home in this session too. I will never not be obsessed with this mural painted by my friend Travis Binish. Hire him, you won’t regret it!

One of the best things about adjusting to a socially distanced life in 2020 has been more intentional time outside. So when an early November surprisingly warm for West Michigan day was gifted to us, we jumped at a chance for a comfortable outdoor session with delight. I so enjoy watching kids play in nature, seeing the joy they embody while discovering how to climb and interact with the wildlife around them. This series definitely highlights how I’ve felt about re-embracing nature this year.

Randi Armstrong Photography Lifestyle outdoor family portrait session 2020
Randi Armstrong Photography Grand Rapids Michigan outdoor family portrait 2020

I’m curious, what are your favorite parks or outdoor spaces? This is at Ken-O-Sha Park which is tucked away amidst the busyness of 28th Street and it’s the perfect little suburban getaway when we can’t make time to go far.

So it happens to turn out that a photoshoot that is just for the sake of having updated photos for a new gallery wall, is my new favorite! The relaxed afternoon I shared wandering around downtown Grand Rapids with Megan and Dustin provided us with so many unique and authentic moments to cherish. Right at the end of our session we went to the empty lot behind their home, laid out a blanket and enjoyed the coming late fall magic light over the horizon. It was so dreamy and perfect!

Randi Armstrong Photography outdoor couple lifestyle picnic photo portrait 2020
Rand Armstrong Photography 2020 Grand Rapids, Michigan Blue Bridge couple portrait session love engagement

They got engaged right up there on the blue bridge! How fun is it that they wanted to do a few photos there again this year?!

Okay, I know I keep saying this . . . but this one really might be my favorite! Any time I get to see new life enter into the world is my favorite! In October I got to attend and photograph the birth of my tiny new best friend Hannah! Both of her parents are doctors living away from family, so when it came time to writing up their birth plan they knew that having photos of her birth to share with far away family and friends was really important to them. The regulations on how many guests you can have at your birth have changed many times this year, but in October in Grand Rapids you were allowed two guests, and I got to be one! It was such a privilege witnessing Shannon labor to bring Hannah earth side as Chris provided beautiful support and encouragement. They are a lovely team and will make a warm and safe home for sweet baby Hannah. I’m excited to watch her grow and learn!

Randi Armstrong Photography 2020 Grand Rapids Michigan Birth Photography Spectrum Health
Randi Armstrong Photography Birth photojournalism documentary birth lab delivery newborn 2020

Oh my goodness, isn’t she so cute?! I can’t even handle it!

I have just one more to highlight from 2020 and boy has choosing just a few favorites from this session been hard!

The Porters invited me to their home hobby farm to take a few lifestyle family portraits. It was so much fun going toddler speed around their gorgeous outdoor space to find little moments to capture. I like to think that it’s these moments, playing in the backyard with the dogs and sitting around a campfire that we will treasure. I’m really glad I got to be a part in helping this family remember this season forever!

Randi Armstrong Photography Grand Rapids, Alto, Family at home session lifestyle photograph portrait

Photography Competition- Birth Becomes You


Professional Stories: Show or Tell