
What is Doula Support?
Randi Armstrong Randi Armstrong

What is Doula Support?

Having knowledgable support through pregnancy, birth and postpartum is something so valuable they’ve literally done research proving how labor and delivery benefits from a doulas presence. But us doulas already knew that. I know because I see the difference continuous physical, emotional and informational support makes!

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Emmaline’s Birth Story
Randi Armstrong Randi Armstrong

Emmaline’s Birth Story

Ally telling her own birth story, “From the beginning of my pregnancy, I had been educating myself and training my mind and body for an unmedicated birth. I knew that goal was going to be more achievable if I went into labor spontaneously, and avoided any complications if I could help it.

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Claire’s Birth Story

Claire’s Birth Story

“ . . . I knew this meant go time since my first labor went the same way. I stood up to go back to the tub and it was like baby instantly dropped and I had the ring of fire. It was intense but my body instinctually knew to start panting and apply counter pressure on my perineum. My midwives reminded me to listen to my body and push when it felt right. I honestly can’t say that I did actually push, it was more of my body taking over and I just didn’t fight it. Before I knew it our baby’s head was born and that was so incredible! I felt another contraction and again my body did what it’s made to do and the rest of baby was born! “

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