randi armstrong photography

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Ochre’s Birth Story

Meeting Sophie and Drake was like running into to old friends.

She had responded to my Facebook post about looking to support a few people as a doula as I work toward my certification, Sophie was due in just one week! We sat down on a Thursday and that following Monday night I joined them in the hospital to support with the arrival of their sweet boy.

I was instantly impacted by their communication and they way that mutual love and support was so apparent. Drake was quick to be by her side through every contraction. Sophie courageously powered through every surge. She honestly made it look easy to progress from 4cm to fully dilated while still lighting up the room with her witty sense of humor. I was absolutely impressed, especially as my first doula experience, she really didn’t seem to need me. I gladly offered encouraging words and confirmation that she was doing it, along with helping counter pressure and leg positioning as she reached the pushing stage. She pushed for about 2.5 hours, and with a little help from the OB and a vacuum Ochre was born! He was instantly alert, healthy and most happy while nuzzling with his momma.

It’s always a treat getting to witness a family grow, but the bond this trio had from their first moments is something I won’t forget. Thank you Sophie, Drake and Baby Ochre for including me in your birth story!

Thank you again to Sophie and Drake for inviting me into your birth space and trusting me to document your adorable little man’s entrance into our world! It was a beautiful night indeed.