Jacksons birth was one full of surprises!

Birth is always unpredictable, but dear little Jackson sure wanted to make a path all his own to make him stand out from his 4 older siblings! With feeling “off” and very intermittent contractions (think one or two and hour) for days this mama was so full of trust in her body and grounded in her faith as she waited for his arrival.

Once Jackson was ready to come, boy did he!!

I checked in with her around 9:30 that night, knowing she had been experiencing a few contractions but nothing as picking up. She replied with “I’ve stuck with a contraction or two an hour all day, we shall see what the night brings. Sleep or a baby please!” I responded with “Absolutely, and I agree sleep or a baby! Or maybe even both!”

Then I made sure my gear was all ready to run out the door to support her and capture her birth and went to bed, thinking it would be fast, but I’d still have notice to drive the 20 minutes to their house when it was time.

Well, things don’t always go to plan and at 12:18 I woke up to a text photo of mama holding baby and a message from dad saying “well that escalated quickly…”

I leaped from bed! Elated for them but sad to have missed his grand entrance! On the road by 12:30 I reached them right after their midwife arrived, both of us having missed the moment of birth.

All was quiet and peaceful as they soaked in their newest boy.

Mom and dad were as proud as ever, and as I rubbed my own 30 week pregnant belly enjoying the oxytocin filled space, and documented this sweet afterglow for them.

Midwife weighs baby at home birth while parents wait for the announcement. Birth photography by Randi Armstrong Photography

Welcome to your beautiful family sweet Jackson, you’re going to like it here!


Georgia's Birth Story


Jack's Birth Story