Theirs is a story about how love still remains even when things don’t go as planned.

It was an immense pleasure to walk with this couple as they anticipated the birth of their son. We talked about all of the comfort measures, plans, preparations, all of it… but when their due date came and passed, and they discovered that babe last minute turned breach all of the carefully laid plans were pivoted with a belly birth replacing it.

I met them in triage where we passed the time by swapping stories. They told me about how they met, and then how they got engaged, their families and friends and their dog. By the time we moved rooms we were laughing just like old friends.

In the new room nerves got a little more tense. Their breach transfer while important, was not emergent and family after family from upstairs kept getting in front of us in line for the OR. While grateful to not be an emergent birth, the wait was painful. They couldn’t give us the time frame we so desperately desired as we waited in limbo for hours and hours.

Finally their name was called, it was time to go meet their baby!

Preparing for cesarean birth in the operating prep and recovery room for a breech baby delivery. Birth photography by Randi Armstrong

Due to current hospital policy - doulas and birth photographers are not allowed in the OR at this time*, but a generous nurse with some AH-mazing photography skills volunteered and I was able to give one of my cameras to her in order to capture their Jacks belly birth arrival.

Thank you Liesel for understanding the importance of birth photography and providing this sweet family with these images! You’re a rockstar!

*I am seriously hoping this changes soon because doulas can still provide valuable comfort and support through a cesarean birth, plus having professional photos of a babies entrance into this world makes a world of difference for parents no matter that kind of birth.*

Mom kisses her new baby. Cesarean Birth Story in Grand Rapids Michigan, photo by Liesel.

Three cheers for Liesel!

Back in the recovery room I get to resume doula support and can take credit for these photos now.

Dad gazes into the camera minutes after his baby is born. Photo by Birth Photographer Randi Armstrong

His squishy plump cheeks, his wide alert eyes, all so perfect.

Joining this family already so full of love and affection, Jack was finally in the arms of his dear parents, and it was a sight to behold.

Thank you for inviting me into your birth space, allowing me to walk beside you and witness your tremendous strength and love. I’m forever changed by you three.


Jackson's Birth Story


Josie's Birth Story