Flashback- Birth Story for Esther

This birth story is a bit of a flashback, but since I haven’t included it in my blog yet and it’s absolutely gorgeous, I wanted to share it with you all here!

In 2017/2018 I was actively working to build my birth photography business and got re-connected with my old friends Amanda and Daniel to attend the birth of their daughter Esther!

It was a bright day in mid-March, brisk and breezy but with relief as winter ending always is as we wait get a glimpse of the sun! They luckily had a big west facing window, welcoming in the perfect golden hour sunset as Amanda labored their sweet girl earth side.

Daniel and Amanda were such a powerful team, and I so enjoyed getting to witness and capture their love for each other so evident as they anticipated Esthers arrival. I loved seeing Amanda’s willingness and instinct to labor in different positions, even with an epidural! She had the support of her nurse to get up on her knees to labor safely in the bed and it seemed to really help to work her baby into position.

After returning to her back again it was go time, the doctor was at the ready and Esther arrived! Their first daughter was here!

It is always such a joy to get to photograph a birth, every one so unique. Every labor different. Every family special. Every baby important. Every birth is beautiful!

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It is always such a joy to get to photograph a birth, every one so unique. Every labor different. Every family special. Every baby important. Every birth is beautiful!

If you are interested in chatting about having a birth photographer at your babies arrival, I would love it if you reached out to me at info@randiarmstrong.com, let’s grab a cup of coffee and gush about your baby!


What is a Doula?


Birth Story for Hannah