randi armstrong photography

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Birth Story for Hannah

Birth Photography by Randi Armstrong in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

After a few years away from photographing births, I had the honor to go back on call awaiting the arrival of my dear friends Chris and Shannon’s first daughter. Over the summer as I was knee deep in wedding crafts they were painting their nursery and preparing to become parents. We saw each other often over the summer, both gushing in anticipation and support, they are sincere and consistent humans. I am so grateful for them, and over the moon that I was able to attend and beautifully capture their birth.

Shannon is an OB in the Grand Rapids area and Chris is in the middle of a cardiology fellowship, both bringing an informed and unique medical perspective to the birth space. I loved watching Chris get to engage with the charts and study the monitors as Shannon contracted, every muscle working together to bring their daughter closer. Shannon had the biggest smile the entire day, eager to meet the daughter they had been praying for over the past 9 months. Chris was ever present at her side, their love for each other so evident and steadfast. In just a few hours she worked Hannah into place and was ready for that final push! Hannah arrived on a sunny afternoon, surrounded by love and light! In a rush of joy and relief, she was here!

Thank you Shannon and Chris for trusting me to hold space for you and document your sweet Hannah’s first hours. I am so grateful that I was able to safely attend their birth amid ever changing Covid guidelines for hospital visitors. Witnessing those sweet baby cheeks enter into the world is something I will treasure for a lifetime!